York Illuminated
The city of York has to be one of the most visited cities in the British Isles outside the capital. Its remarkable architecture spans 2000 years of England’s history from the Roman invasion, through the turbulent middle ages, the birth of the railways and up to the present day.
Of its many attractions, the pinnacle is surely the gothic cathedral - the Minster. This monument to the stonemasons’ and glaziers’ crafts stands proud above the city skyline and can be seen from the distant North York Moors and Wolds. A trip up its central tower is an exhilarating experience but is not for vertigo sufferers! Other fantastic locations are its preserved medieval stone walls, some of the longest in the country, offering fantastic views of the city, Clifford’s Tower, a quatrefoil keep on top of a grassy motte built by the Norman conquerors, and the magnificent Victorian railway station.
Its residents are justifiably proud of York’s heritage. Every year tourists from around the globe travel to York to sample the charm of its streets and marvel at its architecture, and as day turns to night the city’s character takes a dramatic turn.
In this superb collection of more than 140 photographs,Yorkshire–based photographer Paul Moon shows an aspect of York many visitors never see, the famous sites and hidden corners when floodlights and streetlights are switched on for the night. The illuminated winding cobbled streets take you on journey into York’s past and its stunning architecture grabs your attention at every turn. The bustle of Christmas shoppers and seasonal events bring vibrant colours and vivid displays whilst quiet hideaways of the city bring a chill to the spine or a warming glow to the heart.